================================================================== TOPFIVE.COM'S LITTLE FIVERS -- MOVIES Of all the lists in the world, she had to read mine. ================================================================== June 8, 2007 The Top 9 Movie "Almosts" (Dialogue) 9. "You want vermouth? You can't handle vermouth!" 8. "I named my gun 'Gilligan'. Say hello to my little buddy!" 7. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to feel overwhelming guilt." 6. "Use your brain, Luke." 5. "First rule of Fight Club, you do not talk about Fight Club. Second rule of Fight Club, everyone bring a covered dish for the annual Pot Luck fundraiser." 4. "I'm going to make him an offer. And if he doesn't like it, I'll make him a counter offer, which he should seriously consider, if he knows any better." 3. "It's cows! Soylent Green is made of cows!!" 2. "As God is my witness, I'll never be horny again." and the Number 1 Movie "Almost" (Dialogue)... 1. "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm going to write a very pointed letter to the editor!" [ Copyright 2007 by Chris White ] [ www.topfive.com ] ==================================================================
================================================================== Selected from 64 submissions from 18 contributors. This week's list authors are: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Scott Witmer, Hanover, PA -- 1, 4 Stephen A. Segall, Poplar Bluff, MO -- 2 Kim Moser, New York, NY -- 3, 6 Rabbi Crut, McComb, OH -- 3 Curtis Stoddard, Milwaukie, OR -- 4 Danny Gallagher, Henderson, TX -- 5 Jill Gallagher, Seattle, WA -- 7 Jim G. Phynn, Horsham, PA -- 7 John English, Orem, UT -- 8 Jennifer Ford, Chicago, IL -- 9 Kris Johnson, Los Angeles, CA -- Banner tag Kristian Idol, Burbank, CA -- "I can be famous in my 50s" ================================================================== [ Copyright 2007 by Chris White All rights reserved. ] [ Do not forward, publish, broadcast, or use ] [ in any manner without crediting "TopFive.com" ] ==================================================================
This archive is maintained by Kristian Idol at www.13idol.com
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