================================================================== TOPFIVE.COM'S LITTLE FIVERS -- MOVIES Guaranteed to triple your investment! ================================================================== June 5, 2009 NOTE FROM KRISTIAN: Kevin Bacon lost a chunk of money to Bernard Madoff, the billion-dollar Ponzi schemer. The Top 8 Bad Business Decisions by Celebrities 8. Paris Hilton Blow Pops 7. Katie Holmes: "I do." 6. Master P: "Gotta daaaaance!" 5. Christina Ricci: Withdrawing from all projects to keep schedule free for Black Snake Moan 2. 4. Jason Patric: "The sequel to Speed? I'm in!" 3. December 1978: William Shatner sells his entire interest in defunct Star Trek series. 2. Brendan Fraser: "Hey, three Mummy movies, a Mummy video game and a Mummy theme-park ride... Pyramids are all right by me!" and the Number 1 Bad Business Decision by a Celebrity... 1. Mia Farrow: Up-and-coming Asian futures [ Copyright 2009 by Chris White ] [ www.topfive.com ] ==================================================================
================================================================== Selected from 27 submissions from 9 contributors. This week's list authors are: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Donald Johnson, Cincinnati, OH -- 1, 2 Kris Johnson, Los Angeles, CA -- 2 Judith Cotrill, Bronx, NY -- 3 William C. Martell, Studio City, CA -- 4, 7 John English, Orem, UT -- 5, 6, 7 (Three pic deal!) Dave Ferry, Purvis, MS -- 8 Kristian Idol, Burbank, CA -- Cecil B. DeListed ================================================================== [ Copyright 2009 by Chris White All rights reserved. ] [ Do not forward, publish, broadcast, or use ] [ in any manner without crediting "TopFive.com" ] ==================================================================
This archive is maintained by Kristian Idol at www.13idol.com
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